Time-Building Options

Becoming a skilled pilot requires not only knowledge and skill but also a significant investment of time in the cockpit. This crucial phase, often referred to as “time-building,” is a pivotal step for aspiring aviators seeking to gain experience and unlock career opportunities. In this article, we’ll explore unique and strategic ways pilots can embark on their time-building journey, making the most of every hour in the sky. Below is 12 common ways that pilots use to time build:

1. Aerial Surveying and Photography

One fascinating path to time-building is through aerial surveying and photography. Pilots can fly specialized aircraft equipped with cameras and sensors to capture high-resolution images and data for various purposes, such as land surveying, wildlife tracking, pipeline patroling, or environmental monitoring. This not only racks up flight hours but also offers a unique perspective from above.

2. Glider Towing

For pilots seeking an exhilarating experience while accumulating hours, glider towing is an exceptional option. Towing gliders to altitude and releasing them to soar on their own provides a dynamic and rewarding way to build flight time while mastering precise maneuvers.

3. Air Ambulance Services

Contributing to a noble cause while gaining flight hours is possible by flying for air ambulance services. Pilots transport critically ill patients, often in challenging weather conditions, which enhances their decision-making and piloting skills.

4. Firefighting and Aerial Water Drops

In regions prone to wildfires, pilots can join firefighting efforts by operating water-dropping aircraft. This demanding role requires flying low and accurately dropping water or fire retardant on blazing landscapes, presenting a unique opportunity to gain valuable experience under pressure.

5. Bush Pilot Operations

If you can get your seaplane rating, you can explore a whole new world of aviation. Pilots can log hours on seaplanes, taking off and landing on lakes, rivers, or coastal waters. You can be paid in Alaska to take hikers, hunters, and fisherman out to remote areas. It’s a thrilling and unconventional way to expand one’s piloting skills.

6. Banner Towing and Advertising

Engaging in banner towing and aerial advertising not only puts pilots in control of aircraft with giant banners in tow but also provides them with a chance to showcase creativity while accumulating flight hours. It’s a niche field that combines aviation with marketing flair.

7. Certified Flight Instructor

Embarking on a career as a flight instructor not only helps pilots build essential flight time but also serves as a transformative journey of mentorship and empowerment. In this role, pilots become the guiding force behind shaping future aviators by imparting wisdom and instilling the art of safe, proficient flying.

8. Volunteering for Nonprofit Missions

Volunteer work can be a fulfilling way to accumulate flight hours. Many nonprofit organizations and aviation clubs offer opportunities to fly for charitable causes, such as medical transport, disaster relief, or environmental research.

9. Splitting time

If you don’t have time for an aviation job and want more flexibility, there is always the option to split time with a fellow pilot. If you have your private pilot’s license, and a friend that is a CFI, you can actually log flight time as PIC and your friend can log dual given. This is an option to mutually build PIC and total time. However, CFI’s are limited to 8 hours of dual given per day. Another option is if you fly instruments(hood only) as PIC during VMC conditions, the non-flying pilot can also log PIC as the safety pilot. 

10. Crop Dusting

Crop dusting, also known as aerial application, presents an exhilarating avenue for pilots to build flight time. In this unique aviation niche, pilots maneuver low over fields, dispersing fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides to aid in crop growth and protection. These flights demand precision and skill as pilots navigate at low altitudes, performing precise spray runs. Beyond accumulating valuable flight hours, crop dusting offers a distinctive vantage point of the landscape, providing an unparalleled connection between aviation and agriculture. It’s an opportunity for pilots to hone their flying abilities while contributing to the vital task of feeding the world.

11. Military Pilot

Joining the service can be a challenging yet rewarding option. Those who wish to answer the call can build time on the government’s dime. All services within the Department of Defense have fixed-wing aircraft in which you may have the opportunity to fly, if selected. 

12. Corporate Pilot

In this elite role, pilots often find themselves at the helm of sophisticated jets, shuttling executives to destinations around the world. The frequent travel not only adds up flight hours rapidly but also exposes them to a diverse range of flying conditions and international airspace, enriching their aviation expertise. Moreover, the emphasis on precision and safety in corporate aviation ensures that every flight contributes to honing their skills. Thus, for those looking to expedite their journey to a high level of flight experience, a career as a corporate pilot offers a unique and efficient way to build valuable flight time.

Time-building for pilots is not just about the quantity of hours but also the quality of experiences gained. The aviation world offers a myriad of unique and adventurous opportunities for pilots to strategically build their flight time. Choosing the right path depends on individual interests, career goals, and a thirst for adventure. Each hour spent in the sky brings pilots one step closer to mastering their craft and soaring toward a rewarding aviation career.